**This guide aims to help Work From Home (WFH) user to setup home their PC to connect to the Office PC. 

**Step 1-3 are the tasks to be done by IT, after user submitted their duly approved WFH application request. 

**WFH user may go to step 4, if Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is already in place and you only require to know how to setup bookmark.

For Desktop User who need to WFH, the following provision to be done by IT staff :

1. System Engineer to include user to WFH group  (need to be supported with HR approval, with Telecommuting Agreement duly approved by HOD)

2. Network Engineer to provision SSLVPN via OneVPN03 or OneVPN08 (user will be informed via email)

3. Tech Support Engineer need to enable user's Office desktop PC for user to login via remote WebRDP. 

4. Once steps 1-3 are completed, WFH user is required to : 

** Ensure 2FA has already been setup, before performing step 5. Refer URL link if need guide to setup MFA : https://servicedesk.sembmarine.com/support/solutions/articles/15000021557)

5. Power on your office PC before you can WFH.

6. From home PC, ensure successfully login via UR##L provided by IT (in step2) : (OneVPN??.SEMBMARINE.COM) , and Perform the self service tasks to create BookMark according to enclosed guide,  

##To note that there are 3 URLs available : OneVPN01, OneVPN03 or OneVPN08 (https://onvevpn??.sembmarine.com). If unsure about ??, please check with IT dept.. 

7. Enter you username and password. After successful 2FA authentication, Click on the created bookmark to access office desktop.

Refer to enclosed guide for details steps.